When my sister came home from school on Friday she smelled like another dog, a golden retriever if I am not mistaken. She was talking about red blood cells and white blood cells and how they all worked. She mentioned that her new friend at school was the reason this awesome dog got to come visit her school. Then, on Sunday, my family got up before the sun, they got dressed in their running gear and headed out the door. When they returned hours later all my sister could talk about was this dog named Tucker, same smells as Friday, at least now I knew his name. She kept telling my dad how handsome Tucker was and what a good dog he was. She told my brother that Tucker had a very important job and that he actually had to work all the time. "I work all the time" I thought. Later that night my mom sat my sister down and showed her pictures of what Tucker did at work. I sat there watching as my sister pointed at pictures of Tucker on the beds of all these different children. In some he was sleeping while the children rubbed his back, in others he was standing beside them, guarding them like a sentry. I listened as my mom talked to my sister about Tucker and how his job was to bring happiness and comfort to all the children that needed him at hospital on Oahu. He was actually on staff there and was a true member of the Kapi'olani Children's Hospital team.
My mom talked about how sometimes people get very sick and sometimes those people were like her new friend at school, very young. My sister asked what made them sick and my mom told her it was Cancer and that there are a lot of different kinds. Now we deal with cancer everyday at work. We perform mass removals and chemotherapy at our hospital so I knew the words mom was saying, but some how hearing about sick children made it seem that much more scary, that much more real. Mom talked about family we have lost to Cancer and how it has touched our lives. She spoke about how hard it must be for a family to care for a sick child and sometimes lose a child. She told my sister how important it was to participate in events like the Run for Hope they were in that morning. She said the money they raise during these events goes to research so that hopefully one day they can cure Cancer.
I looked at the pictures of my sisters new friend when she was very sick, Tucker is in a lot of these pictures, always watching over her. He looks so gentle, kind and wise. I sat there thinking about how hard his job must be, knowing that not all the little people he comforts get well. It made me think about the things that really matter like love and laughter. I watched as my mom rubbed my sisters arm that is still healing from her break as she laid her into her bed that night. She told my sister, her new friend was very brave as she leaned down to kiss her forehead. My sister said "and beautiful mom". "Of course and beautiful" mom replied. I heard my mom tell my dad that night as tears streamed down her face how she could not imagine going through all that with one of their children. They laid there in the dark and talked about the things that really mattered to them. They talked about Tucker and his wonderful mom Dr. Wendi and all the wonderful people they met recently. They spoke softly about my sisters friend and how sometimes the reminders we need in life come from the most unlikely places. As I climbed into my bed that night I thought back on the photos I had seen and the words I heard spoken that day. I realized that my family is right! Everything we need we already have. A healthy family, good friends, and love. If we could pay our way through the rest of our lives on the currency of love, we would never want for anything. As I closed my eyes I pictured what that kind of world that would be like, and it was one of the sweetest dreams ever. ~ RUFF!
For more information on Kapi'olani's dog Tucker and how you can get involved in the fight against Cancer and other childhood illnesses visit their website. www.kapiolani.org
Photo Credit Heather White Images.
Published In West Hawaii Today 9/14/2012
Photo Credit Heather White Images.
Published In West Hawaii Today 9/14/2012