Wednesday, November 17, 2010


iDOG, iCAT What are they talking about? Am I being replaced? With the holidays just around the corner, the buzz at my house is what Santa is bringing everyone. I personally want a bone the size of Rome but Mom says I am not allowed to chew on him (ROME). My thought was he is free- no shopping required. I was saving the planet, reduce, reuse, re-cycle. Seriously though, what is an iDOG and why do they want one? There are 2 dogs and 2 cats in our family. Do we really need another mouth to feed? My human brother is excited because it dances, plays his music and it lights up. I can do that... let’s see, where did I see those twinkle lights? Now I just need my sister’s little music thing, and turn, and chase the tail, and look- I am an iDOG. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! My family thinks my attempt is funny but it only seems to fuel the need for them to have an iPET of some kind. I decided it was best to do some research on the subject and I am horrified that this iANIMAL thing is not limited to just the dogs and cats. They make an iTurtle for Pete’s Sake! It is a good thing Noah is not around to see this or his whole ark thing would just end up in the odd news on Yahoo. Who needs animals in pairs with the iPET revolution. Remember the days when you were excited about the puppy under the tree with the big red bow? Now, those days are long gone. A couple of double AA batteries and your family members are all set for this new pet phase. I read people used to have pet rocks. Every generation has some pet replacement it seems. One point for the iPET at least is that it is interactive. A rock people? Man, times
must have been really tough back then....a rock, WOW!!!!
I have a few questions for the iPET generation. Let’s see, where to start?
Can it lower your blood pressure? Does it comfort you when you are sad? Does it keep your seat warm? Does it fetch and make you laugh? Does it keep you in shape by chasing after it? I think not! I wonder if my dad will need to go to a class on how to fix the iPET? Will that count towards his Continuing Education credits? For $39.95, you can have your very own, plastic, light up, throw away pet, or you could invest in a real pet that will give you a good 10 years or more. Heck, if you get a turtle, you may have to put him in your will for your grandkids to care for. iDOG, iCAT, really? Well, if Santa decided we need an iPET at our house this holiday season, I may have to give my family an iPIKE reminder... and no one wants that. Step away from the iPET- keep it real people. -RUFF!!!!