Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Things that make me go BOOM!!!

Sometimes I go bump in the day. As you all know I am not a fan of loud noises and a holiday that is punctuated over several days of booms, cracks and bangs is not good at all. My family sympathetic to my plight have realized more is less, as in more medication equals a less neurotic dog.
I thought I could handle the onslaught on my senses, but I was wrong what can I say. I tried to fit myself under the couch and remembering my afore chronicled experience, I chose to stuff myself beneath the chair instead. I was not aware that a set of furniture constitutes equal proportions, fact noted, the bump on head I got from the chair a good reminder. Then I decide to forget the down stairs all together and went upstairs to my mom and dads room, where I tried to curl up underneath the bed where my parents store my sisters old crib. Well one caught foot and another bump on the head from the footboard while I beat a hasty retreat solidified this was not the place for me. 
Now, I know better then to get on the bed, I do, but with all the solid surfaces in our house conspiring against me I thought I would lie down on my sisters bed and sleep off the day. Well then there was a bang and a boom and I found my body catapulting it self off the bed landing on my sisters rocking horse. My mom walking by as I became airborne got to witness my best attempt of being a cowboy. Embarrassed by my 3-second ride, I turned tail to run and hit the dresser completing my hat trick of bumps in just under an hour. I felt like I had accomplished a lot for the day, considering my state of well being I was handling it all pretty well. Mom seeing that I was in desperate need of some medicinal courage to get through the day, offered me a little something to take the edge off.  I am going to blame being over stimulated on the effect said medication had on me. Lets put it this way I didn't have any edges to take off, I was the equivalent of  Jell-O with out the advantage of being refrigerated. 
When my friend Olive arrived for the 4th of July celebration I was doing my best impression of a slack key guitar and let me tell you I could really shake that thing. Sadly, I didn't really have control of the swing I was doing. I must say for once I was grateful that Rome is a leaner. I didn't feel so bad about leaning on our guests, since they are already used to Rome using them as a leaning post. I was also glad Olive was in a pretty chill state after spending 2 days at the beach and her dietary adventure from the day before. This was the positive reinforcement I needed to not feel bad about not being the life of the party. 
As the night wore on and the noise increased I retreated and headed as near to the largest inanimate object in our house (the sofa) as I could. The sofa and I soon became friends agreeing to call a stale mate until I was back in my true form and not the drooling medicated mess I had become (I wasn't really drooling, at least I don't think I was). I tried to get excited about the pretty lights in the sky but all I could see was the intro to a James Bond flick, how any one lived through the psychedelic 60's is beyond me. After the festivities had end and our guest had gone home I made my way up the stairs climbed into my soft round bed and slept off my adventure. The next morning I was right as rain and ready to go to work and sleep. Until next time things decide to BOOM!!! RUFF!!!