Monday, August 1, 2011

YOU saw the stop light... didn't you?

Suggestion: by definition means 
1. The act of suggesting. 
2. Something suggested: We ordered the shrimp, a suggestion of the waiter.
3. The sequential process by which one thought or mental image leads to another.
Yeah yeah, I had to look it up, but it seems to be a hot topic right now so I thought I would get in on the conversation.

Everyday I hear the staff suggest this or that to clients. Truth be told, these would be recommendations from my dad but... there must be something about suggesting it vs. recommending it that helps people understand it. For instance, SMILE, it makes people wonder what you’re up to. It also puts people at ease and, if you practice it often, you may even notice yourself wanting to smile.

Now, for clarification, this is not the same as a definitive. Like a stop sign or a yield sign or a stop light- those are definitive. You know what to do and you observe the practice right? Or, is this too just a suggestion...? Thank God for me being a fan of the floor board of the car, unlike my brother who got to hit the back of Mom’s seat. DISCLAIMER: Anyone willing to pull out into traffic at the light onto the highway from Pua Pua Anui be warned, even after the light turns green, you must wait before you turn. Drivers run the light all the time. My mom always waits until cars come to a complete stop on the highway even if the light is already green be- fore she pulls out. Green means Go, right? NO!! Wait! I would recommend stopping, yielding as a adjunct in the course of self preservation, but it is up to you. Anyway, my mom hit the brakes (thank you Boris, Aka, and Rocko) and my brother hit the seat.

When we got to work, Mom was upset. My brother was sore, poor Rome. It was a good thing Mom had already put the window up or Rome may have been taking in the morning in a whole new way. I am certain his brief encounter with the seat as gravity lost control and inertia took over was enough physics lessons for a lifetime. Mom said, “news flash to all: apparently road signs and stop lights are merely suggestions.” Rome being her case in point.

Well, this got me thinking about veterinary stuff. Flea medications, heartworm medication and, for some,tick medication. These products are necessities for pets here in Hawaii, as are vaccines and annual check ups. These are like the road signs and the stop lights. While the staff may make suggestions as to the type of product that is right for your pet, these recommenda- tions are not optional. They are just giving you all the options. I know this gets confusing.

I was also thinking about other suggestions I hear made all the time, like which pet foods to feed and, more importantly, how much. We all know too much of a good thing is bad, right? (Okay, so I have not quite got this one down yet.) After all, history tells us if you put too much in, it has to go somewhere, right? My somewhere is usually the carpet in the hall, but for a lot of others it turns them into four-legged ottomans. Did you know you should be able to feel your pet’s ribs easily under their fur? It is true. While every pet is built differently and every breed is different, this rule is the same for all. Cats, small dogs, long dogs, big dogs, tall dogs, even super hot slim dogs like me have to watch their weight. Now I know what your thinking... trust me, I am actually a mind reader. What are the parents of the fur set supposed to do?

First, get your pet to the vet once a year. Don’t wait to see if Fluffy, Honey, Lucky and all the others will start eating and drinking after 4 days of vomiting, they won’t. Animals need yearly vaccines- yes, even adult dogs. Pets are not done after their puppy or kitten shots. Most importantly, every dog needs a heartworm test every year and to be on medication for heart- worm prevention (one tablet, once a month). The new stats are out and they are alarming. There are 6 to 25 cases of heartworm per clinic, per year in our region. Want more information about heartworm? Talk to our staff. Just so you know, CATS GET HEARTWORM TOO!! They are rarely treated, as they usually have a respiratory crisis and succum to the disease before you know they are sick. Why wait? There is a preventative available- oral medication for dogs and topical medication for cats. Has your pet missed a few doses? When is the last time you took your pet to the vet? For around .37 cents a day you can prevent heartworm. Heartworm cost hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars to treat, just so you have a perspective.

Lastly, my dear readers, I would like to make one last suggestion to everyone. I am going out on a limb here, but I am confident I will land on my feet (my dad will fix the broken bones, I am sure), but can we all try and spread happiness instead of doom and gloom? Animals pick up on the negative vibes out there and I can’t help but notice when a pet’s Mom and Dad come in and are frazzled and upset about life, their pets come in grumpy, nervous, and upset too. When you pull into the parking lot, take a deep breath, look out at the ocean view, get here a little early and stroll around the yard if you can. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, a soda, or water and a magazine while you wait and remember, we are here to help. Come give me a rub (may I suggest my neck and under my chin). I will help lower your blood pressure and make you smile.

One more suggestion before I forget... Mom, are you reading this? BUY ROME A SEAT BELT!!! I actually really like him and would hate to see him damaged. Lucky for me, he can’t read so my secret is safe. RUFF!