Monday, August 15, 2011

Fiesta, la dolce vita

Hola amigos! Pike here from fiesta central. We are headed a little south of the border here at the Hospital this week.  As you all heard, my family adopted a new baby kitten named Queso and then we decided that we needed a little extra spice in our life and adopted his little brother aptly named Salsa. I am thinking all we need now is a tamale, a taco, a tostada and a pitcher of Margaritas and we could have one heck of a party. I am thinking Queso gatito encilladas with a side of Salsa sounds muy bueno (extremly good). Somehow, chasing after fast food really works up an appetite (pant pant pant), leaving me caliente (hot) and ready for a siesta (nap).

Actually, all kidding aside, I really like cats. I just wished they didn't feel the need to slap me repeatedly. "Hi. My name is Pike," sniff sniff, Slap slap. Hey! No need to get touchy feel-ly here, I was just tasting you with my nose. Geez. So again, this time throwing in a few compliments, "Hi. my name is Pike, your tail is sure fluffy" and you do a really great impersonation as a snake HISSSSS!!!! Slap Slap!!! What is it about dogs and cats that makes one think oil and vinegar? I, being the persistant chap that I am, decided to try and greet my new family members again. I was thinking maybe the reason they have Spanish names is that they only speak Spanish, so I say, "Hola mi Gato familia (hello my cat family)." What I got in this exchange was a low, dull growl and a jab to the ear and the face. I think I like my Salsa a little more on the mild side. When Rome tried to say hi, he said "Bonjour." French being the language of love, after all. He got slapped three times in less then a second. Clearly, they do not speak French.

I gave it some extra thought and I tried the only thing I could think of and said in my best italian, correre per la vostra palla di pelo vita, (run for your life fur ball)This they understood. Clearly my mom and dad didn't do their research at all. These kittens aren't Spanish, they are Italian. Like a good Italian sports car, think Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Lamborghini, Maserati, they are sleek, fast and fun, especially when they are in top gear.  Gentleman, there is no need to travel to Siena, we will run the Palio(a famous italian horse race) in the living room. I have decided I need to learn to embrace my new Italian, Spanish-named friends. I will call Queso "Forma", short for Formaggio (cheese) and Salsa will be Ragu (tomato sauce). Lucky for them, I love Margherita pizza.... molto bene! Ruff!!!