T’was, heart worm and the annual
vaccines, dewormer a fecal we suggest:
All annuals not created equal,
ours always offering the best.
Beware the adjuvanted vaccines my pet!
The Sarcomas that bite, the cancers that kill!
We use the Non-adjuvanted vaccines, and yet
People always complain about the bill!
Dewormer prophylactically safety a concern:
Each year a fecal we do test--So of Internal parasites we learn.
And what of Parasites inside chest?
Of course a heartworm test each year,
The recommendation, with fact to show,
Coughing, gasping the signs oh dear
That inside heartworms grow!
If your pet needs treatment quick!
A missed dose here, and worms come to be
and then your pet is sick.
Why Senior screening, you do ask?
Come and think, it’s in the name
Old age, old age! 7 years to task.
Organ decline; a blood work shame.
T’was vaccines and the annual
The best is offered first:
Suggestions and recommendations
Science based on worth.
• The rhythm of this poem is loosely based on Lewis Carrolls “Jabberwocky”
Vaccines the DHLPP is given every 3 years and contains vaccines for distemper,
hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, and Parvo virus. Leptospirosis should be
given annually in Hawaii; humans can also get Leptospirosis.
In cats, vaccinations have been linked to sarcomas, at a rate of between 1 and 10 per
10,000 injections in adjuvanted vaccines
The American Heartworm Society and AVMA (American Veterinary Medical
Association) recommend testing for heartworm annually. As members of the AHS and AVMA this is the recommendation we follow. Heartworm is costly to treat but easy to prevent. Remember to give your pet their monthly heartworm medication the same time every month, or ask us about the injectable medication that lasts
6 months. When we test for heartworm annually we are also testing for another illness called Ehrlichia. This is a tick-born illness that affects the pet’s red blood cells. When caught early before the pet is symptomatic it can be easily treated.
We use a broad spectrum dewormer to treat your pet prophylactically for worms,
like round worms, tape worms and hook worms. All of these worms think humans
are delicious as well.
Annual Fecal tests check for internal parasites, such as the aforementioned worms
as well as whipworms, and Giardia (except heartworm remember — that’s a
blood test).
During your pets’ annual you should expect your veterinarian to do a full physical
examination, including looking in your pets’ mouth, ears, nose eyes. They should
be looking at your pets’ muscle tone and weight and giving you recommendations
based on what they see. There are preset parameters for weight and body score.
These things are not subjective but rather based on the guidelines from the AVMA.
A Senior Screen includes blood work and a urinalysis and is recommended in
dogs over 7 years old and cats over 8 years old. This annual screening allows your veterinarian to see what changes your pets organs have made each year. Blood work is required for any animal over the age of 1 year that is going under anesthesia for any reason. This is for the safety of your pet.