Insomnia and I are good friends we go way way back for as long as I can remember. Over the years we have broke up and gotten back together. She really does know how to get under your skin like a parasite and stay there. I have explained in the height of dilerium how much I hate her and her cronies. Perhaps in your own travels you have met them. Two of my most favorites Night sweats and Nightmares are like her BFF's they are alway close by cackling in the night right beside self loathing and self doubt. They have a punch list at all times of the things you have forgotten to do are perhaps failed altogether as just a subtle reminder of all your inadequacies.
Headache and Red Eyes are like the kids who want to be cool and linger on the edges, always there to support Insomnia and back her up in case Sleep decides to try again and intervene! These two will be sure to remind you when you look into the mirror that last nights tangle with Insomnia was not your imagination and that she really did kick your butt.
Sadly, as often happens by the time Sleep gets up enough courage to take her on it is time to get up and start a new day. Insomnia content that her work here is done laughs and simply walks away. Sleep retreats to regroup and prepare herself for battle once again ... she says she will see you later and suggests you order a double espresso and try and have a good day.
Theses are the days I am thankful for my dogs and their ability to see the bright side of everything. They show me all day long as they sleep despite the chaos all around them; that this is how it is done and if I would just watch them perhaps their amazing sleeping abilities would some how rub off on me. Perhaps if I curled up next to them I could absorb some of this ability that they are willing to demonstrate, for my benefit of course, daily sometime for up to 16 hours a day. I really should learn to be a better student.
Pike reminds me as he follows me through the house in the dark, nudging me with his head towards the bed that if I would just stop moving Sleep could cast her lovely spell upon me and I could dream a lovely dream. At the sound of the dishes and the mixer whirling and clanking in the night he knows better however and that the scones will be just as delightful when he wakes up so off he goes leaving me to my task. He'll thank Insomnia from the bottom of his belly in the morning and demonstrate for me once again how this sleeping thing is done. Pike is after all the smart one in our family and if you ask him what goes with a scone he will tell you coffee with extra cream and a long nap. In my next life I am coming back as a dog or a cat. For now I will attempt to simply find a way to stay out of Insomnia's way and perhaps she will tire of our unfriendly encounters and decide to find a new BFF. I won't bet my pillow on it.